Here are some articals about Quick guide to R, Demo of CAT, ...
Hi there! I am Yingshi Huang, and you can also call me WingsWong. I am a (pre-) psychometrician working on computerized adaptive testing, insufficient response detection,
and online calibration. I obsess about questions like how to efficiently and effectively measure examinees' abilities,
how to give an optimal design, and how to provide students with a productive and tailored learning experience.
I got a B.S. in psychology from the School of Psychology at South China Normal University (2016-2020) and an M.A. in psychometrics
from the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University (2020-2023).
Now, I am pursuing a Ph.D. at University of California, Los Angeles (2023-present), and work with Minjeong Jeon.
You can find my ResearchGate here
and CV here.
Hi! I am waiting for every intriguing, creative, and even crazy thought from you. I also welcome each challenging, curious, and even naive question. Please feel free to contact me.
| Keep gazing at the sky of psychometrics and make persistent efforts. |