Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Examinees' Ability Using Newton's Method

December 01, 2020

Obtaining the examinee's ability estimate is always the very first step for a psychometrician to move further, for example, servicing for the selection of the next item during the process of online calibration or adaptive testing. In this article, a detailed description of R codes for maximum likelihood estimation using Newton-Raphson accompanied by the implementation of the downhill algorithm is presented. With these codes, you can easily use them to estimate your own theta with your item parameters!

The MLE with the downhill algorithm will be illustrated within the framework of two-parameter logistic item response model (2PLM), so you will learn how to:

  • estimate theta with known item parameters (2PLM);
  • compute bias and RMSE for estimated theta and true theta;
  • also, you can download the example data here.

  • The project framework
  • Define function
    1. function1: Newtons, Newton-Raphson method of theta estimation for 2PLM (with the implement of downhill algorithm)
    2. function2: GridSearch, Grid-Search method of theta estimation for 2PLM (an option for the estimation of score of 0 or full scores)
  • Main body
    the estimation main body (with boundary manipulation)

  • Results
    1. plot estimate theta results
    2. save results
    3. return bias, RMSE and timecost to the console

  • MLE with the downhill algorithm
  • Before we get started, it would be a good idea to clean our environment, record the starting time point, and set our working directory.

    rm(list = ls())
    time.start <- Sys.time()
    # library packages ----------------------------------------
    ## This package can help you to produce gorgeous graphs
    # set working directory -----------------------------------
    setwd("C:/Users/HYS/Desktop")         ## You need to modify to your WD

    Next, let's take a close look at the core functions.

    # define functions ----------------------------------------
    Newtons <- function(theta0, response, a, b, D = 1.702, lamda = 1, ep = 1e-08, maxiter = 500){
      ## Newton-Raphson method of theta estimation for 2PLM
      th <- theta0
      re <- response
      niter <- 0
      delta <- ep + 1
      while (delta >= ep && niter <= maxiter) {
        niter <- niter + 1
        ## 2PL model
        Pi <- 1 /(1 + exp(-D * a * (th - b)))
        Pi[Pi == 0] <- 1e-10
        Pi[Pi == 1] <- 1 - 1e-10
        Q <- 1 - Pi
        fx <- sum(D * a * (re - Pi))       # first derivative, i.e., g(θ)
        dfx <- -D^2 * sum(a^2 * Pi * Q)    # second derivative, i.e., g'(θ)
        ## detect if the slope is zero
        if (dfx == 0) {
          warning("Slope is zero!")
        delta <- lamda * fx/dfx
        ## implement the downhill algorithm
        j <- 0
        Pi1 <- 1 /(1 + exp(-D * a * (th - delta - b)))
        fx1 <- sum(D * a * (re - Pi1))     # compute g(θk+1)
        fx0 <- fx                          # compute g(θk)
        while (abs(fx1) >= abs(fx0)) {
          j <- j + 1
          lamda <- lamda/(2^j)
          delta <- lamda * fx/dfx
          Pi1 <- 1 /(1 + exp(-D * a * (th - delta - b)))
          fx1 <- sum(D * a * (re - Pi1))
        th <- th - delta
      ## detect the misconvergence
      if (niter > maxiter) {
        warning("Maximum number of iterations was reached.")
      return(list(root = th, niter = niter, estim.prec = delta))
    GridSearch <- function(response, a, b, D = 1.702, upper = 4, lower = -4, stepsize = 1e-03){
      ## Grid-Search method of theta estimation for 2PLM
      th <- seq(from = lower, to = upper, by = stepsize)
      np = length(th)
      ## compute log-likelihood function
      logf <- function(x, r, a, b, D) {
        pi = 1/(1 + exp(-D * a * (x - b)))
        ll = r * log(pi) + (1 - r) * log(1 - pi)
        lf = sum(ll)
      ## for each theta in [lower, upper]
      lnL <- sapply(1:np, function(i){
        logf(x = th[i], r = response, a = a, b = b, D = D)
      th <- th[order(lnL, decreasing = TRUE)]
      estth <- th[1]

    Are you ready for estimating our example data? Here we go!

    # main body -----------------------------------------------
    ## read data
    response <- read.table("response_matrix.txt")
    theta    <- read.table("theta_parameter.txt")
    itemPara <- read.table("item_parameter.txt")
    ## set variables
    D <- 1.702
    lamda <- 1
    upper <- 4
    lower <- -4
    epsilon <- 1e-08
    maxiter <- 1000
    stepsize <- 1e-05
    ## estimate theta for all examinees
    a <- itemPara[, 1]
    b <- itemPara[, 2]
    nperson <- dim(response)[1]
    nitem   <- dim(itemPara)[1] <- array(data = NA, dim = nperson)
    for (i in 1:nperson) {
      score <- sum(response[i, ])
      ## check score of 0 or full scores
      if(score == 0) {[i] <- -3
        ## if we want to use the Grid-Search method, that is:
        ##[i] <- GridSearch(response = response[i, ], a = a, b = b, D = D,
        ##                         upper = upper, lower = lower, stepsize = stepsize)
      }else if (score == nitem){[i] <- 3
        theta0 = log((score) / (nitem - score))[i] <- Newtons(theta0 = theta0, response = response[i, ], a = a, b = b, D = D,
                             lamda = lamda, ep = epsilon, maxiter = maxiter)$root
      ## boundary manipulation
      if([i] > upper) {[i] <- upper
        print(paste("The ", i, "th estimated theta is out of range.", sep = ""))
      }else if ([i] < lower) {[i] <- lower
        print(paste("The ", i, "th estimated theta is out of range.", sep = ""))
      ## progress bar
      print(paste("Finish: ", sprintf(fmt = '%0.1f', i/nperson * 100), "% for ",
                  nperson, " examinees.", sep = ""))
    ## compute the indexs
    bias <- mean( - theta[, 1])
    RMSE <- sd( - theta[, 1])

    After the estimation, we surely want to know the accuracy of our estimators. So, let's plot the estimated abilities and true values. Also, do not forget to save our results.

    # plot estimate theta results -----------------------------
    ## generate a density plot
    data <- data.frame(
      type = rep(x = c("estimated θ", "true θ"), each = nperson),
      theta = c(, theta[, 1]))
    pic <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x = theta, group = type, fill = type)) +
      geom_density(adjust = 1.5, alpha = 0.4, size = 0.75) +
      theme(text = element_text(size = 15, family = "sans"),
            axis.text.x = element_text(size = 15),
            axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15),
            legend.title = element_blank())
    # save results --------------------------------------------
    result <-, theta)
    colnames(result) <- c("est_theta", "true_theta")
    write.csv(x = result, file = "est_theta.csv", row.names = FALSE)
    timeCost <- Sys.time() - time.start
    # return the results to the console -----------------------
    print(list(bias = bias, RMSE = RMSE, timeCost = timeCost))

    The density plot of the results.

    You have done a terrific job! Now you can use these codes to estimate your own theta with your a and b parameters! Also, feel free to ask me any questions.